Friday, October 1, 2010

6 Moves in 6 Minutes (or less!) Core Blast

Check out our acpcorefit channel on You Tube for an amazing 'CORE BLAST' consisting of 6 moves to target the core, midsection, glutes and postural muscles. This circuit may be done as many as 3-4 times through for a more intense fitness workout. Have fun sweating! Let me know how you make out. -Tina

New Blog Site

For those of you who are clients of ours following this site, please note that we have a new blog site that is geared specifically to our clientele. Please visit this blog at or visit our website at and follow the link to our CoreFit blog. Available for viewing now on this site is our '6 Moves in 6 Minutes (or less!) Core Blast.

The same exercise videos, nutrition information, recipes, injury prevention tips, etc. will be available via both blogs. However, the blog linked to our website will also include internal announcements about classes, fundraising events, new staff, etc.

Thanks to all!